
Adv. Sharanagouda S Patil


About Me

Advocate Sharanagouda S Patil is a qualified legal professional having obtained his law decree from Bangalore University, in the year 2003.
He is an expert in criminal, civil, motor accident, matrimonial (Family matters), service matters KAT, CAT, practicing since 2003. He is privileged to argue important cases pertaining, Matrimonial, Property legal opinion, Property disputes, Service matters, Cheque Bounce matters. He also handled criminal, civil trails before the district court, tribunal, High court.
Mr. S S Patil has been practicing and providing services by maintaining absolute professional approach in each and every case. His key behavioral strength are-consistency preciseness in identifying strength weakness of the matter, organized, client friendly influencing, analytical, effective and apt in logical argument in the court room, delivery of job assigned by following logical steps to take the decisions in his clients favor, court craft, excellent command over language and subject matter expertise, interpersonal skills etc.,

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